St Agnes Catholic School Athletics Program


We collaborate with our parish on many of our activities because we are a parish school. As a result, the parish, rather than the school, directly oversees our athletic programs.

In particular, in Grades 3–8, the majority of our students take part in the parish sports programs. Many kids who attend the parish but aren’t in school join our students, enhancing the St Agnes Catholic School community as a whole.

The parish offers basketball in the winter.

Our community benefits greatly from the leadership and voluntarism of many of the parents of our school’s students who are dedicated coaches in these initiatives. Our students are taught the importance of respect and good sportsmanship on the field or court first. They come to understand the inherent enjoyment that comes with playing the sport, maintaining physical fitness, and respectful competition. Naturally, they then learn how to hone their abilities in the sporting sphere, and many of our graduates continue to be devoted athletes in their respective high schools.

Statement Concerning the Closure of St. Agnes Catholic SchoolRead More