Our Faith

Our growing, faith-filled community is founded upon daily religious instruction, classroom and school-wide prayer, monthly First Friday Mass, service learning, and participation in the New Evangelization initiatives.

As a Catholic school, St. Agnes is a community that is dedicated to being good stewards
of our Catholic faith. Our motto is “Nurturing mind, body and spirit” and we take this very
much to heart as we integrate Catholic identity into our school curriculum, striving to bring
Christ’s teachings into every aspect of St. Agnes life. We are a diverse school and we
thrive in that diversity, aiming to be examples of Christ’s love and light.

Pastor Father Isaac plays an integral and supportive role in our school community. This engaging support includes leading us in our First Friday Mass; offering regular opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation; and visiting classrooms to offer insight into his vocation.

Special religious events include:

  • Hike for Haiti
  • May crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • Lenten activities including Stations of the Cross


Service Above Self

St. Agnes School cultivates a unique culture and spirit for our students and community. Our curriculum is built on the necessary skills essential for 21st century learning. We nurture and encourage our faculty, staff, students and family members to have a deep and profound relationship with Christ. As a Catholic school, our philosophy of Christian service calls us to share the Light of Christ.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

Statement Concerning the Closure of St. Agnes Catholic SchoolRead More