Welcome back to all of our students and families! We are so excited to start this new school year with you! Before the first day of school there are a few important updates you should know. To read our entire back to school newsletter please click on the following button!

St. Agnes Catholic School Entry Plan

Lunch and Snack

For the first 10 days of school students are asked to bring their own lunches and snack to school. (Please note that outside food from fast food restaurants should not be brought up to the school for students during the school day.)


Students will remain in their grade level cohorts this school year. 5th– 8th grade will be able to rotate to their classes during the school day. Hall monitoring will be in place to ensure that all students are abiding by school safety guidelines and policies and getting to their perspective classrooms safely.


It has been noted that Dennis uniforms is on back order for St. Agnes attire. We understand that this is a circumstance that is out of our or your control. With that said, students are asked to enter into the St. Agnes school building with their St. Agnes uniform or attire that closely matches the required uniform policy. Students will wear their gym uniforms on P.E. days. Pre K students are allowed to wear their gym uniforms throughout the duration of the school year.


St. Agnes School is partnering with the Child Food and Nutrition Program for students this year. PreK 3 thru 2nd Grade students will eat lunch in their classrooms with their teacher. The 3rd thru 8th grade students will travel to the cafeteria in staggered rotations to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all students. Tables will be spaced out and the school will follow CDC guidelines and AOB protocols. St. Agnes personnel will be present in the cafeteria to monitor student activity and safety

Drop off and Pick Up Procedures

Drop off and pick up for students will take place with cars lining up in the parking lot facing the school and allowing students to safely exit their vehicles and enter into the school building. PreK- 2nd grade will enter into the building through the second side door entrance of the school building and 3rd thru 8th will enter into the first set of side doors of the school building. There will be faculty and staff members that will assist you on the first week of school so that you get acclimated to the drop off and pick up procedures. 

Note: Since there are so many new students starting at St. Agnes School this year, we are asking that parents make a sign with their child’s/children’s name on it and make it visible in your dashboard so that during pick up we are able to recognize who you are picking up and get students to their perspective cars as quickly and safely as possible.

Drop Off Schedule

7:45am-7:50am- 3rd thru 8th Grade Drop Off

7:50am – 8:00am- PreK3- 2nd Grade Drop Off

Parents please adhere to the drop off schedule for a quicker and safe entrance into the school building. Temperature Checks or wellness survey will not be required prior to students entering the school building. We are asking that all parents remain vigilant, and encourage that a wellness check on your child/children is conducted at home prior to school arrival. Students who are attending Before Care will arrive at the school building at 6:45 am and will be directed by the before care workers to their designated area.

Pick up is at 3pm. Students who will attend extended care will be sent to the extended care room at dismissal.

Please note: Temperature and wellness checks will be completed in the Before and After Care program daily and prior to entry and exit.

Policies and forms

*All parents are asked to fill out the following forms before their child enters into the school building:

*-Assumption of Risk Form

*-Acknowledgement Agreement

*-Mask Use Waiver

Please complete these forms in School Admin. Students will not be able to enter into the school building unless these forms are completed prior to the first day of school.

Students Schedules

Student schedules will be distributed to grade levels by the end of this week. Parents please review your child’s schedule and refer to the main office if you may have any questions.

Ice Cream Social!! August 25th

St. Agnes will hold this year’s ice cream social on Thursday August 25th from 6pm-7pm. Location: St. Agnes School parking lot. In case of bad weather, the ice cream social will be held in the gym. We hope to see our St. Agnes families there! (Please note that all families and staff are required to follow safety regulations and guidelines. During the ice cream social families will be introduced to faculty and staff and have the opportunity to meet and greet!

                                                                           Save the Dates!

August 23rd 

Faculty Returns (See Agenda for the week)

August 25th 

Ice Cream Social 6pm – 7pm

August 26th 

Parent Community Zoom Meeting 5pm-6pm

August 30th

Students Return 

September 3rd

First Friday Mass Opening Mass 9:00am 

September 6th 

Labor Day Schools Closed

September 7th – 9th –Back to School Night

September 7th – prek3/4 – 2nd – 5pm -7pm

September 8th – 3rd grade – 5th Grade-5pm-7pm 

September 9th – 6th grade thru 8th Grade-5pm-7pm

September 13th

Fall Scantron Testing Begins

September 17th

Galeon Picture Day for Students

September 20th 

HS Fair St. Mark

September 21st

HS Fair Resurrection

September 22nd 

Half Day for St. Agnes School Students

HS Fair at ICS

September 27th 

HS Fair- Cardinal Shehan

September 28th

HS Fair- Slade

September 30th

HS Fair – St. Margaret

October 1st 

First Friday Mass

Fall Scantron Ends

October 6th 

3rd -8th Grade (Teachers provide a Coach Class for students who need extra help. 3pm-4pm

October 8th 

Professional Development Day (Schools Closed)

October 29th 

Halloween Pumpkin Run for Students (Staff Dress Up)


(Middle School Dance in GYM) : Tentative

November 1st 

ALL Saints Day Feast of All Saints

November 3rd

Coach Class 3rd-8th Grade (Teachers provide after school help to students from 3pm to 4pm)

November 17th

Coach Class 3rd – 8th Grade Students. Teachers provide help to students that need it. 3pm-4pm.

November 19th 

Half Day (Parent-Teacher Conferences held on this day. May be in person or virtual). 


November 23rd

Grandparents day

November 24th 

School Closed 

End of Trimester 1

November 25th -26th 

Thanksgiving Break (School Closed)

November 28th 

Advent begins

December 1st 

First Friday Mass

Elementary School HSPT

December 2nd 

Elementary School HSPT (Make up day)

December 4th

Breakfast with Santa

December 8th

Feast of Immaculate Conception 

December 10th

Christmas Concert (Baker)

December 22nd– 31st 

Christmas Break

January 3rd

Teachers and Students return to school

January 6th 

Epiphany of the Lord

January 7th 

First Friday Mass

January 10th 

Winter Scantron begins

January 14th

Half Day of School

January 17th 

MLK Birthday Schools and Offices Closed

January 19th

Coach Class for 3rd-8th Grade

January 21st 

Feast of St. Agnes

January 28th 

End Winter Scantron

January 30th-February 4th

Catholic Schools Week!

January 30th 

Choir Performance at Sunday Mass (Tentative)

February 2nd 

Talent Show 

February 4th 

First Friday Mass

February 7th

School Closed

February 11th

School Closed (Faculty Retreat)

February 14th 

Valentines Day Celebration (all teachers staff and students wear something red or pink

February 16th 

Coach Class 3rd-8th Grade students. 3pm-4pm

February 18th 

School Closed 

February 21st

President’s Day School Closed

March 2nd 

Ash Wednesday

March 4th 

Half Day 

Parent Teacher Conferences (In person or virtual)

March 9th

T2 Ends

March 11th

Stations of the Cross

March 12th

Pueri Cantores Youth Choral Festival and Mass-Basilica

March 13th

St. Patrick’s Day Parade

March 18th

Professional Development Day (Schools Closed)

March 23rd-27th

Scholastic Book Fair

March 25th

Stations of the Cross

April 1st

First Friday Mass

April 6th

Coach Class 3rd-8th Grade. 3pm-4pm.

April 7th 

Distinctive Scholars Convocation

Science Fair (K. White)

April 8th 

Science Fair (K. White)

April 10th

Palm Sunday

April 12th

Easter Egg Hunt

April 14th

Holy Thursday/Half Day

April 15th-22nd 

Spring Break 

April 25th

Spring Scantron Begins

May 3rd


May 6th 

End of Spring Scantron Testing

May 7th

5K Run

May 13th

Friday May Crowning Mass

May 18th

Coach Class 3rd – 8th Grade

May 20th 

School Play (K. White)

May 21st

School Play (K. White)

May 26th 

Ascension of Jesus

May 30th 

Memorial Day (Schools Closed)

May 31st 

Field Day

June 1st 

8th Grade Farewell

June 3rd

Friday Farewell Mass -9am

Kindergarten Graduation – 11am

June 4th 

8th Grade Graduation

June 8th 

Half Day

June 9th 

Closing Mass

Last day for Students

Half Day

June 13th-17th

St. Agnes School and Office Closed for the week.


Parent/Community Zoom Meeting

August 26th -5pm-7pm-Join Zoom Meeting   https://zoom.us/j/92678192186?pwd=b3BYR3pJR25pZHJXNTVZZUt3OUMzdz09

Meeting ID: 926 7819 2186 

Passcode: HM8z0y


Please join us for our first Parent Community Zoom Meeting. You will have the opportunity to receive information on the school and ask questions. Hope to see you there!


Nurses Corner! 


This School Year Nurse Conaway will continue to educate our faculty, staff, students and families on proper techniques, and safety regulation guidelines. Nurse Conaway will be the point of contact for questions about safety and health protocols. St. Agnes school will maintain its quarantine room for this school year in response to any faculty, staff, or students who may exhibit Covid symptoms. St. Agnes School has elected to become a testing site. Therefore, tests can be run at the school for Covid this year. This will help the school properly identify illnesses and support our mission of safety for all. (Please see attached AOB guidelines).


          We are Excited to See You Soon!!!

Statement Concerning the Closure of St. Agnes Catholic SchoolRead More